
1)  Sellas Theorbo
    Low pitch a'.
    String length: with 10 tied frets on the neck: 83.7 cm / 163.8 cm
                        with 9 tied frets on the neck: 79 cm / 159.1 cm
    Stringing: 7 x 1 / 8 x 1
Based on the theorbo by Mateo Sellas, Venice c. 1640, in the Musee Instrumental, Brussels (no. 255).  The neck of this instrument was shortened at some point in its history; its original string length would have been either appproximately 79 or 84 cm, depending on the number of tied frets on the neck.  The back of this instrument is quite flattened, making it very comfortable to hold.
Back of 31 striped yew ribs with black-dyed poplar spacers.  Triple rose with decorative knot.   Ebony-veneered neck, and ebony veneers on the front and back surfaces of the upper extension.  Fingerboard, points and edge binding of ebony.  I set up this instrument so the 7th course may be strung in either the first or the second peg-box.