Seven, Eight & Nine Course Lutes

1)  7 or 8 course Hieber
    Modern pitch g'.  May also be tuned to low pitch a'.
    String length: 59.4 cm.
Based on the 7 course lute by Giouani Hieber, Venice c. 1580, in the Musee Instrumental, Brussels (no. 1561).   This instrument survives in virtually original condition, an example of an early 7 course lute with some hold-over characteristics from 6 course lutes (low number of curly maple ribs, simple unveneered beech neck without a separate fingerboard, peg-box carved from a solid piece of beech).  
I build the back of this instrument with either 13 curly maple ribs with black-dyed poplar spacers (as the original) or, in a more typical fashion of c.1580-90, with 13 striped yew ribs or 13 dark yew ribs with sycamore spacers.  My unveneered version of this lute has a pear neck and peg-box, and the veneered version has ebony veneers on the neck and peg-box.   Both unveneered and veneered instruments may be ordered with either curly maple or yew backs.  Both versions have an ebony fingerboard, points and edge binding.

2)  7 or 8 course 1592 Venere
    Modern pitch g'.  May also be tuned to low pitch a'.
    String length: 58.4 cm.
Based on the 7 course lute by Vvendelio Venere, Padua 1592, in the Accademia Filarmonica, Bologna.  Like the Hieber, this lute survives in virtually original condition, an early example of a multi-ribbed lute.  Instruments built on this model are characterized by a refined, delicate quality of sound.
My version of this lute may have the back constructed with 25 dark yew ribs with sycamore spacers (as the original), or with 25 striped yew ribs.  The neck and peg-box are veneered with ebony.  Fingerboard, points and edge binding of ebony.  Decorative knot carved within the rose pattern, inlaid ebony heart below the bridge.

3)  8 or 9 course C45 Magno dieffopruchar, 17 ribbed back
    Low pitch g'.  
    String length: 64 cm.
Based on the body of an archlute by Magno dieffopruchar, Venice c. 1615, in the Vienna Kunsthistorischesmuseum (C45).   I have reduced the number of ribs on the back from the original 31 striped yew to 17 (following the example of several Paduan lutes built in the late 1580's).
The back may be made from either striped yew or dark yew with sycamore spacers.   Ebony veneers on the neck and peg-box.   Fingerboard, points and edge binding are of ebony.   Decorative knot around the rose, inlaid ebony heart below the bridge.

4)  8 or 9 course C45 Magno dieffopruchar, Multi-rib back
    Low pitch g'.  
    String length: 64 cm.
This instrument is identical to the above instrument (Vienna C45), except that the body has the same number of ribs as on the original: 31 striped yew ribs with black-dyed poplar spacers.  As an alternative, the back may be assembled without spacers.
The neck and peg-box are ebony-veneered.   Fingerboard, points and edge binding of ebony.  Decorative knot carved around the rose, inlaid ebony heart below the bridge.

5)  7 or 8 course 'Small' Frei
    Low pitch g'.  May also be tuned to modern pitch g'.
    String length: 63 cm.
Based on the smaller Hans Frei lute in the Vienna Kunsthistorischesmuseum (C34).  The outline of this instrument looks very similar to the 7 course lute in the 1593-94 painting by A. Carracci.
Back of 11 curly maple ribs.  The neck and peg-box are veneered with ebony.  The fingerboard, points and edge binding are of ebony.

6)  7 or 8 course C36 Venere
    Modern pitch f '.  May also be tuned to low pitch g'.
    String length: 66.5 cm.
Based on the 7 course tenor lute by Vvendelio Venere, Padua 1582, in the Vienna Kunsthistorischesmuseum (C36).
Back of 13 striped yew ribs.  The neck and peg-box are veneered with ebony.  The fingerboard, points and edge binding are of ebony.  Inlaid ebony heart below the bridge.   This is the tenor in the family of surviving Venere lutes (Octave: C41 Venere, SL 29 cm; Treble: C39 and C40 Venere, SL 44 cm; Alto: 1592 Venere, SL 58.4 cm; Tenor: C36 1582 Venere, SL 66.5 cm).

7)  7, 8 or 9 course Warwick Frei
    Modern pitch e'.   May also be tuned to modern pitch f '.
    String length: 70.5 cm.
Based on the Hans Frei in the Warwick County Museum, England.
11 curly maple ribs.  Ebony-veneered neck and peg-box.  Ebony fingerboard, points and edge binding.

8)  7, 8 or 9 course Bass lute, Vendelinus Tieffenbruker
    Modern pitch d' or low pitch d'.
    String length: 78 to 80 cm.
Based on a multi-ribbed yew lute by Vendelinus Tieffenbruker, which was converted to a 13 course lute by Thomas Edlinger in 1724, located in the National Music Museum in Vermillion, South Dakota (NMM 10214).
Back of 21 striped yew ribs, or 21 dark yew ribs with sycamore spacers.  Ebony veneers on the neck and peg-box.  Fingerboard, points, edge binding and inlaid heart of ebony.